Our community is for individuals, businesses and charities. Be part of a new way of working.
Freemium Account
Kesero is free for everyone to trade talents and open up possibilities. There is no obligation to pay for access.
Access to all Kesero features
Earn and spend time freely
Up to 4 hours available to spend with additional time held in a personal time bank
Upgrade to premium at any time
Switch to a business account at any time
Premium Account
Your commitment to community skills exchange helps keep this accessible for everyone as well as giving you a little extra.
No limit to the hours available to spend
Spend hours on larger projects or book regular events
Premium account holder status
Change account type at anytime
£5 monthly fee or £50 annually
Kesero Connect: The business club
Join a community that cares. We’re more than just a club: we’re a family of business enthusiasts who care deeply about each other’s success as much as the community and environment we operate in.
Ultimate networking
Showcase your unique skills
Join the wider community
Sustainable growth
Exclusivity in your field
Work smarter by using your business skills to tap into other people’s.
Charity Account
Charities need support from their community in many ways. Accessing the help you need is simple on Kesero.
Look for the skills you need from the Kesero community
Time can be gifted to a charity from any account
List the skills you offer as a charity
No limit on the hours available to spend