Skill Sharing in Action

Kesero gives people the freedom to swap a few hours of their time doing something they're good at, for services they would otherwise have to pay for. 

Understanding the value of the things you can do well is the key to getting the most out of skills sharing. 

'Your easy peasy is someone else's sleepless night!'

Skill-sharing in action

A chat with another Mum after the school run recently uncovered a need that I knew I could help with. I'm delighted to share this story and, perhaps it will inspire some self-appreciation

Starting a business is an endeavour that requires many different skills. And once mastered, there will be many others to keep you on your toes. 

Mastering these various skills all takes precious time, so any time saved is a win for your business or some much-needed self-care. In this case, I got some self-care in and helped someone else set up their communications to clients using Mailchimp.

My exercise regime has taken a bit of a sidestep recently, in favour of immersing myself in business planning.

I've kept up some runs and a few bike-rides with a friend, but no yoga, pilates, or strength training in recent months.

Being advocates of self-care at Kesero HQ, we often talk about how essential it is. I needed to take some action.

So when a local KettleBell and Piyo instructor Sandra Core Fitness suggested we do a skill exchange, I jumped at the opportunity!

Not only is this giving me the incentive to book a block and make some time for strength training and stretch, but it also feels good to help. Now that time I invested, familiarising myself with Mailchimp is even more valuable, benefiting both businesses.

Really grateful to sit with Emma after the class and tap into her experience to help get Mailchimp set up for the first time. I had already tried following online tutorials, but it was so much easier with a live person who has been through this process before. Sharing skills and experience over a cuppa was a total time-saver, good fun, inspiring, and topped with the endorphin rush of the finished exercise class. Thanks a mil, Emma! Sandra, Sandra Core Fitness

I have to say, I would never have thought about listing 'Mailchimp' as a skill, and I am by no means an expert, but I knew the basics, and that was what was required.

Sharing what I knew with Sandra meant she didn't need to invest that same amount of time, which could be better used!

Tech for good

It was lucky we met that morning on the school run and got chatting about the changes to Sandra’s business. I had previously taken the classes in local halls, and appreciate how important it is to have a supportive and friendly place to exercise safely. Not to mention the social aspect of being in a group. So I was delighted to spend an hour of my time helping get the word out that the classes were continuing safely on zoom and outdoors.

Even better to get some free classes to jump-start my fitness again.

Now, Sandra has Mailchimp set up for class recordings and newsletters, and I felt stronger already after only one week!

Where Kesero comes in is bringing trusted, local connections together and managing that skills exchange process. Our tech means you can find what you need - when and where you need it.

Simplicity and community meet technology for a new way to live and work. 


Life and work with Lorna Lyons


10 skills your community will thank you for sharing!