Friends of Kesero: Tentshare

For the first in our community blog series, a warm welcome to the brilliant Tentshare!

The brainchild of Rebecca Heaps, Tentshare’s mission is all about nature, planet and people. The team aims to make reconnecting with nature more accessible and affordable for everyone, promote sharing to reduce waste and increase carbon efficiency and create a sharing network to keep the wealth in the local community. 

After making a tidy sum renting out her bell tent to local friends and family, Rebecca searched for an Airbnb-type platform where she could share her tent more widely. She couldn’t find one. So Rebecca solved her own problem and brought this brilliant idea to life, creating an online marketplace for the sharing of tents, camping equipment and camping tips.

Why we love them:

Around 1m tents are purchased in the UK each year. Many of these are purchased for a one-off event, and for the ones that are packed up and taken home, most of them are in storage, being used perhaps only one or two times a year.

So, as well as the carbon footprint associated with pulling so many tents through production, transport and distribution, these are idle resources, taking up space which could be put to good use, saving people money on their camping trips and giving others a passive income.

How it works:

With Tentshare you can be on both sides of the transaction, or on one side. You can rent out your tent and camping equipment to make a bit of extra money,  or hire a tent from someone local to you or your campsite and save money. You can even book tents with set-up included.  

List your tent:

  • Take some pictures of your tent and equipment, or even better use some pictures from your last camping trip

  • Post a listing via the website with a description and availability

  • Respond to requests and enjoy being part of the community

Hire a tent:

  • Check out the listings in your area, or the area you are travelling to

  • Use the filters to narrow down your options

  • Contact the owner with any queries and once you are happy, make your booking.

It’s that simple!

Good to know:

Much like Kesero, Tentshare are providing the platform, the agreement is between the tent owner and renter. 

Truth, Equality, Peace and Sustainability are the values embedded in the Tentshare business. Everyone who signs up is asked to read and commit to the Tentshare pledge. 

If you’re heading to a festival this season, you can rent a tent from someone local to the festival.

We are so onboard with what Tentshare is doing and want to support the mission as much as we can. Everyone wins with brilliant ideas like these.

So, we will award every Kesero member who lists or hires a tent on Tentshare with a bonus Kesero hour.

You can sign up here and once you’ve listed or hired, let us know and we’ll add an hour to your account.

Happy sharing!


Life and work with M.T. O’Donnell


Thanks for Sharing | How I Gave Up Buying and Embraced Swapping, Borrowing and Renting by Eleanor Tucker