Life and work with Jen Wilson

We continue our conversations this month with Jen Wilson. Jen is on a mission to help you move and feel better in your body.

Jen is one of Kesero’s founding members and has already clocked up a 5-star review for online yoga!

Here Jen shares her many skills, motivations, and the importance of saying no when it comes to self care.


Tell us about your work

I am an author, movement & health rebel here to help you move and feel better in your body.

My book is called Become a Warrior Woman, 9 Rules to Sort Your Shit - it helps you look at where you are in your life, where you want to go and helps you get there. I recently recorded the audiobook version, and it is a really useful book - I even need to go back through it from time to time to sort my shit!. I am an absolute geek (always learning) and a little bit obsessed when it comes to finding ways in helping you look after your body in a way that works for you - you don't like it, we don't do it. When I was initially getting qualified there were so many rules about what certain movements should look like, the reality is, everyone's body is unique and you need to work with what you have and what works best for the client in front of you. Rebel against the status quo and do what feels right for you.

I am top heavy on the qualifications... From a BSc in sport and exercise science, Pilates, Yoga, Meditation, Massage, Personal Trainer, Barefoot specialist, Functional Movement Coach, nutrition coach, NLP, Lymphatic work, nervous system reset work and a whole lot more...

Random facts:

I drink a shit tonne of tea (mostly herbal blends I make myself).

I have been sober since Sept 2014

I get excited when I see animals

I love camping and paddle boarding

Sometimes I have crisps for dinner because I just can't be bothered cooking

I live with a condition they call Crohn's

I have lived in Kos, Gran Canaria and Australia - but there is nowhere like home as Scotland.

I work with clients in online live classes, on demand classes, one to one online or in person at my home studio in Springburn

A typical week

My class and client days are Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays. My dream was always to have 3 'working' days so that with the rest of the week I can do what I want or need whether it's rest, learn, personal growth, meet friends, network, paddleboard, admin. I love to have a mix of classes and working with people 1:1, I get bored easily and need to have a mix.

The best part of my week

Getting to chat to a whole variety of different people who are all looking for the same thing - to move better and feel better within their bodies and minds.

My proudest moment is…

Telling my now ex husband that I didn't want to live in Australia and I wanted to move back home to Scotland. It was a really scary conversation but I 100% knew I didn't want to live out there. The move back did end the marriage, but you cannot stay in a situation that doesn't make both people happy and there is no real workable compromise. I have a tendency to be a people pleaser at my own expense and this time I put my big girl brave pants on and was really honest about what I wanted and needed. It's worked out for the best for both of us, he is in Australia living his dream and surfing every day and I am here living my dream helping people.

Skills I could offer

Pilates & Yoga online live classes, my Pilates Fundamentals online on demand course and my The Healing Rebel health and wellbeing course which is also an online, on demand course.

Skills that would help me

Being better at marketing myself and my services. I am on point with delivery and so many times clients (even some that have been with me for years) will say 'oh I didn't know you knew about that or offered that service or had that skill'. I need someone to come and cattle prod me into blowing my own trumpet.

Self-care for me is…

Saying no to the things that don't fill you up with energy. If it drains you (even a little bit), don't do it. Say yes to you first. It's so important to look after yourself and me speaking as a people pleaser who is working on not being so quick to say yes to people can tell you, it is so harmful to your health over the long term and could leave you with a chronic health condition - it's really not worth it (Crohn's is no joke). If it's not instantly a 'hell yes' then it's a definite no.

Use your Kesero time to book some downtime with Jen. It will be time well spent!


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