Finding your feet charity

Kesero and Finding your Feet teamed up in October after we entered their very exciting Battle of the brand’s challenge. We are delighted to be able to support such a wonderful organisation. As well as donating time to the charity, our partnership will make it easy for Troopers to find support locally, and share their skills with their community.

Finding Your Feet help families affected by amputation or limb absence with activities, services and support to benefit fitness, mental health and personal growth. We believe that forming relationships with peers and being part of a group is one of the most powerful ways to reduce isolation, which has been proven to be a contributing factor to life expectancy in the amputee community.

Our goal as a charity is to be on hand with some form of support or opportunity for every amputee in Scotland. The first step towards doing this is to connect people and make them smile, which we’re pretty good at. Ours is a community where people can give and receive support in equal measure, and some just join in to make a few pals. Whether an amputee needs vital counselling or wants to sail the seven seas, FYF is the place to be.

We provide a voice to our community that champions inclusivity and diversity in society. We believe that being different should be celebrated, not sidelined.


The GGC Business Club