Life and work with Elle Tucker

In our first conversation of 2021, we talk to our very own Brand Advisor, Elle Tucker. Elle joined us last year when we met virtually during lockdown.


Elle is a broadsheet journalist, advertising creative, and media expert.

We are so lucky to have her on board and loved taking the opportunity to have a bit of a chat.


Tell us about your work

It’s complicated – but in a good way! And it all relates to the sharing and gig economy, which is of course how I came to meet you and be involved in kesero. I used to work in advertising, as a creative, then sidestepped into journalism, which I loved – particularly when I got to write about people who did amazing things for other people. This led me in a roundabout way to co-founding the first communication agency for the sharing economy, and a similar marketing agency – and now I’m writing a book about it, while speaking and advising startups in this space.

A typical week

I try as much as possible to fit work around family life, which is easier at the moment as travel is off the agenda. I often have speaking or podcast hosting sessions, calls with startups who I'm advising, and work to do helping sharing and gig economy startups get their messaging right. I’m also, in my role as Brand Advisor to kesero, on the board of the trade body Sharing Economy UK, which partners with the CBI, and that involves meetings and discussion groups. Alongside this, I’m mum to a 9 and 12 year old, so when I’m not working or writing, I love hanging out with them, cooking (my other ‘calling’ was to be a chef) and drinking wine with my husband.

The best part of my week

I love shutting my laptop on a Friday and heading to the kitchen to cook a curry and open a bottle of red. But I love my work so much I’m equally happy on a Monday morning when I open my laptop again with an (extremely) strong coffee in hand.

My proudest moment is…

It’s funny, because 2020 was a year of big career achievements, like signing with one of the biggest UK literary agents, and getting on the board of Sharing Economy UK. But to be honest, the moments I'm most proud of are the ones when my kids show themselves to be happy and confident little people. Then I think – phew, I think I got that bit right.

Skills I could offer

I can cook pretty much anything – I think it comes from being bored in my teenagers years because tech hadn’t been invented yet. I am also pretty good at languages.

Skills that would help me

I am very messy, not a typical Virgo at all. So decluttering would be a skill I would look for, as well as gardening, and sewing/mending. Can you tell my domestic skills are very much kitchen-based?

Self-care for me is…

Saying no: “No, I’m on holiday this week”… “No, it’s not the right project for me”… “No, I don’t have capacity at the moment”… I’ve overstretched myself for years and I’m now starting to realise it’s not good for me – or anyone else for that matter.

You can keep up to date with Elle on her website.


Life and work with Owen Murphy


Life and work with Kaye Symington